Discussion of the preliminary design Law Code of the Work Will begin in San José de las Lajas



The discussion of the preliminary design Law Code of the Work will begin in all labor centers of San José de las Lajas since July 20.

 Since the last July 11 the calling the discussion was published and seminars were developed to qualify leaders of different levels.

The preliminary design Law Code of the Work suggests new changes as indefinite and definite work contract, elimination of the institutional movement of the labor record and the custody of it by workers, the workers’ right to study and the modification of terms to finish the work relation of 30 days for the undetermined contract and 15 for determined contracts.  

The new code of work also establishes the obligation of the recent graduated of the diurnal courses of higher education and fulfillment of the social service, flexibility of the weekly work journey between 40 and 44 hours, payment of license and the right to obtain the payment of vacations and salary, guaranteeing the resting of at least 7 days.    



