sábado, febrero 8, 2025
Teléfono: +53 47863359
Correo electrónico: webmaster.camoa@icrt.cu
rchcmbw@enet.cu  San José de las Lajas people can enjoy the good services offered by the Company of Raw Material, located on 29 Avenue and Rancho alto road.  With a collective of 9 workers the entity turned into the first...
rchcmbw@enet.cu  Diverse activities are suggested by the Recreation Management in Mayabeque to enjoy the summer in the Popular Camping of the province.  Socio-cultural activities, tours, nautical festivals and games will be offered in the 14 installations of the territory,...
rchcmbw@enet.cu  Members of the committee for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) will develop a process against the social indiscipline with the purpose to guarantee the integral formation of new generations in each block of San José de las...
rchcmbw@enet.cu  A solidarity and friendship meeting between students and teachers of the Cathedra of the Elder Adult of Minas Yeray, Brasil and the University Unit of the Old Age of San José de las Lajas took place this Monday,...
rchcmbw@enet.cu  The Trade Union Section of Self-employed Workers and Artisans of San José de las Lajas met the Cuban flag, this Thursday morning, in the Boulevard of capital city of Mayabeque, because this section was the first one of...
rchcmbw@enet.cu   The Agrarian University ” Fructuoso Rodríguez”, located in San José de las Lajas, sponsors the workshop of University Extent, space characterized by the great influx of investigators in the extent branch. In this opportunity, the duodecimal edition of...
rchcmbw@enet.cu  El Laboratorio, Telemayabeque program directed byLaytel Emilio Suros, is the only nomination of television programs of the province Mayabaeque aspiring prizes of the International Festival of Radio and Television of Cuba 2013, in the Convention Palace of Havana,...



Seven workers of the University Unit of the Old Age represent San José de las Lajas in the Latin American Meeting of the Old Age that is being celebrated from July 3 to 5 in the Cuban capital.

rchcmbw@enet.cu  He is no longer listened to neither he is seem as he was before, dressed in olive green with his firm step, with his restless look ready to overcome the horizon. His voice is not similar to other...
Workers of the House of the New Creation of San José de las Lajas invite to the recreation activities this week in scenes of the municipality and the province among the actions to greet the Second Congress of the...

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