sábado, abril 20, 2024
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Correo electrónico: webmaster.camoa@icrt.cu
rchcmbw@enet.cu  The historical responsibility of the worker movement in the construction of the advanced and sustainable socialism will constitute the center of debates in the Provincial Conference of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) planned for July 23 and 24....
rchcmbw@enet.cu Moments of great significance pass to the posterity. San José de las Lajas remembers today the creation of the first Popular Council of Cuba. San Antonio de las Vegas town, considered a zone of silence, according to the...
rchcmbw@enet.cu Delegates of Mayabeque to the Ninth Congress of the Association of Cuban Journalist will visit work centers of San José de las Lajas next July 8. The Congress will happen at the work center level from July 11...
rchcmbw@enet.cu The first Cathedra of Locution of Mayabeque was created in Radio Camoa Broadcasting Station of San José de las Lajas, this July 3, with the participation of professionals of the occupation of all the radio and Television means...
rchcmbw@enet.cu The course of Intellectual property, initiated in the National Center for Plant and Animal Health (CENSA), in San José de las Lajas, 5 days ago, will conclude tomorrow July 9. Attedants received a system of knowledge related...
 rchcmbw@enet.cu Under the motto “Summer 2013, happiness that unites us”,  a group of activities will be developed during this month of July for the healthy recreation of lajero residents.  The member of the Group of Theater Tacón will...
 rchcmbw@enet.cu Summer workshops started in the House of Culture Genaro de la Rosa, of San José de las Lajas, this July 1, to free the talent and imagination with these events that will finish on August, 2013. Instructors...


The Brigade Second Congress of the “Hermanos Saiz Association” (AHS) of Mayabeque will offer varied activities in the Video Room of San Nicolás de Bary, today, June 28, since 7:00 pm.

rchcmbw@enet.cu The Cuban composer Pedro Romero will perform his art in the cultural center La Columna Artex, of San José de las Lajas. A romantic show full of poetic and reflexive songs of intelligent interpretation about his personal life...


Tapaste town, of the municipality San José de las Lajas, will wear the party dress next July 6, when the province Mayabeque will be represented there to open the program of activities Summer 2013.

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