Summer workshop started in San José de las Lajas


Summer workshops started in the House of Culture Genaro de la Rosa, of San José de las Lajas, this July 1, to free the talent and imagination with these events that will finish on August, 2013.

Instructors of the cultural entity will provide opportunities to all people interested in spending the free time in an enjoyable and enrichment activity, from Monday to Thursday, since 9:00 to 12:00 noon. 

Instructors will provide the practice of the art of plastic to try out with mix techniques.

The initiative is practiced every year during vacation season

and will continue later in extra time.

This way, attendants develop abilities and take information about diverse techniques of this art genre, as well as its principal exponents and more relevant works.  

During July and August, instructors of the House of Culture Genaro de la Rosa, of San José de las Lajas will offer workshops of theater, music and dance. Interested persons may visit the entity looking for information.


