Michael García Pérez, Radio Camoa producer, won the prize of journalism First of May, sponsored by the Cuban Workers´ Association (CTC). The prize was given to the series of journalistic works about the mission of workers of the health sector of San José de las Lajas in the Republic of Haiti.
The new prize is a pride for Michael because “It is fine to know that it has been reached with other works that have to do with doctors and nurses with his humanitarian help to the people that suffers natural disasters, besides an extreme poverty”. He said.
Radio Camoa and especially Michael García Pérez, continue reaching success in national events of journalism, as example of the professional values of the collective that makes gala of excellent radio.
The, award is going to be given this Friday, April 12, in Villa Clara, as a recognition to the laurels of the province in the event, where other journalists of the province will be awarded.
The great Prize of the journalistic contest May First was given to The file Puente Roto or how the bourgeoisie almost destroys a bridge, by Ismary Barcia Leiva, of Perla Vision, in Cienfuegos.
The panel evaluated more than 500 publications of different media to give the following prizes:
Television: The series of works about details of the sugar industry, by Abdiel Bermúdez Bermúdez, Telecristal, Holguin; The group of producers about the Five Héroes, by Roxana Tompson Casamayor; Information System of TV; and Contradicctions of the fishing sector, Pedro Arturo Rizo Martínez, TV Yumurí, Matanzas.
Mentions: Answers in the sugar factory Mario Muñoz, by Yosvani Albelo, TV Yumurí, Matanzas; and Chronicles about workers of health, by Mylenys Torres, TV Villa Clara.
Panel: Armando Morales Blanco, Reinerio Flores Corbelle y Federico Moros Bermúdez.
Radio: Group of works on unpaid salaries and unionization of non governmental workers, by Claudia Martínez and Daimí Dominguez Beltrán, Ciudad del Mar, Cienfuegos; Juana María´s qualities, by Arelis García Pérez, Santi Spiritus; and The series on economical themes, by Jesús Álvarez López and Miguel Ángel Montero Rivero, CMHW, Villa Clara.
Mentions: The series on non fulfillment of construction works, by Abel Falcón Curí, CMHW, Villa Clara; La Llenadora, Yara Cárdenas Restoy, Sagua la Grande; and The system of health in Sancti Spíritus has a patient, by Lisandra Gómez Guerra and Yerisleidy del Sauzal Francisco, Sancti Spíritus.
Written press: Comments on the process of upgrading of the Cuban economy, by Ramón Barreras Ferrán, Trabajadores Newspaper; The series on the fight against corruption and distortions of shows, the use of musicians from Santi Spiritus and prices, by Mary Luz Borrego Díaz; Controversy during the flight, by Enrique Ojito Linares, from Escambray, Santi Spiritus; The group of chronicles of human and social interest, published by José Aurelio Paz in the Weekly Invasor, of Ciego de Ávila; We always wait for the morning, by Reinaldo Cedeño Pineda, of the Juventud Rebelde Newspaper
Mentions: The series of works on worker leaders and historical events of the Cuban trade union movement, by Alina Martínez Triay; Inside workers and Heroes, by Yandrey Lay Fabregat, of Vanguardia Newspaper, Villa Clara.