jueves, abril 18, 2024
Teléfono: +53 47863359
Correo electrónico: webmaster.camoa@icrt.cu


The sustainable increase of membership is one of the objectives of the Provincial Committee of the Trade Union of Culture in Mayabeque, during 2013.

  rchcmbw@enet.cu  Children and youth participate in sport activities organized by the specialists of the Sport Complex “Nelson Fernández”, especially in the swimming pool, these days. This and other actions made up the plan Verano 2013, happiness that unites...


San José de las Lajas is one of the municipalities that fulfilled the plan of meetings performed by the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, CDR, in the province Mayabeque to greet the Eighth Congress of the organization.


The plantation of rice constitutes a prioritized task in the Cooperative of Credit and Serrvice, CCS, Menelao Mora, of San José de las Lajas.

rchcmbw@enet.cu  The XX Congress of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) is planned for the first semester of 2014. The meeting predicts the analysis of the vital themes for the workers movement, called to increase its performance in the representation...
rchcmbw@enet.cu  Reynaldo Fuentes and Pablo Alfonso were the lajero Journalists who integrated the delegation to the Ninth Congress of the Association of Cuban Journalists (UPEC), from July 12 to 14, 2013 in the Cuban capital. The journalism required by...
rchcmbw@enet.cu  I couldn´t help getting closer  to the crowd in the Boulevard of the lajero native soil, where people enjoyed with enthusiasm the sounds of drums, attracting passers-by. My curiosity helped me to see what happened there. I discovered...
rchcmbw@enet.cu  El Laboratorio, Telemayabeque program directed byLaytel Emilio Suros, is the only nomination of television programs of the province Mayabaeque aspiring prizes of the International Festival of Radio and Television of Cuba 2013, in the Convention Palace of Havana,...
rchcmbw@enet.cu  Specialists of health in San José de las Lajas alert population to avoid the proliferation of the mosquito Aedes Aegypti during the raining season as a real danger. Some of the rules to adopt are the destruction of...



Seven workers of the University Unit of the Old Age represent San José de las Lajas in the Latin American Meeting of the Old Age that is being celebrated from July 3 to 5 in the Cuban capital.

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