Lajeros alert and ready


The Day of Defense was developed this Sunday, April 14, in San José de las Lajas to welcome the 52 anniversary of the Victory of Girón.

Varied activities took place in the seven zones of defense of Mayabeque since early hours, this Sunday.

Actions and structures of direction in different levels during the declaration of combat preparation for the defense, as well as the fight against the systematic waste were among the topic discussed.

Central activities were organized in the Popular Council of Zaragoza, especially in the center of production of espirulina, where workers developed diverse practical and theoretic tasks, and exercise about the Unique System of Exploration (SUE), that is activated to face any enemy activity.

Talks about the strategy to follow during cyclones, intensive rains and collapses, were developed. Brigades of fast answer were ratified, as well as the individual position according to the plan of advice.

San José de las Lajas participated in exercises of evacuation and cleaning labors in neighborhoods to eliminate contamination by mosquito.

Ones more, the day propitiated to keep people alert and ready to defend the conquests of the Revolution.


